Providential World History: The Chain of Liberty


Providential World History: The Chain of Liberty

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $80.00.



A providential view of history recognizes that God, as the supreme Lord and Sovereign, is directing all events to accomplish His purposes and bring forth His kingdom in the earth. The chain of liberty is the sequence of events in the lives of men and nations that are links or stepping stones in history which result in bringing forth Christian liberty. These sessions present the chain of liberty, from creation to the present, centering on America’s providential history.

Sessions include:
1.God’s Sovereignty over the Nations
2. A History of Government and Liberty in the Old Testament
3. The Hebrew, Greek and Roman Republics, & Jesus’ Political Teachings
4. Political Leadership of Early Christians, and British Laws & Liberties
5. Bible Translations, Renaissance & the Printing Press in Europe
6. The Protestant Reformation in Europe
7. The Christian Colonization and Foundation of America
8. America’s Christian Revolution and Constitution
9. America, a Christian Nation
10.& 11. The Abolition of Slavery and Advance of Liberty in Modern Times.

Instructors: Stephen McDowell & Mark Beliles.
11 sessions on CD with handouts.

Course No.: BWV02.

Choose Credit if you are enrolled in the Biblical Worldview University and you will receive credit towards your Providence Foundation degree.

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A providential view of history recognizes that God, as the supreme Lord and Sovereign, is directing all events to accomplish His purposes and bring forth His kingdom in the earth. The chain of liberty is the sequence of events in the lives of men and nations that are links or stepping stones in history which result in bringing forth Christian liberty. These sessions present the chain of liberty, from creation to the present, centering on America’s providential history.

Sessions include:
1.God’s Sovereignty over the Nations
2. A History of Government and Liberty in the Old Testament
3. The Hebrew, Greek and Roman Republics, & Jesus’ Political Teachings
4. Political Leadership of Early Christians, and British Laws & Liberties
5. Bible Translations, Renaissance & the Printing Press in Europe
6. The Protestant Reformation in Europe
7. The Christian Colonization and Foundation of America
8. America’s Christian Revolution and Constitution
9. America, a Christian Nation
10.& 11. The Abolition of Slavery and Advance of Liberty in Modern Times.

Instructors: Stephen McDowell & Mark Beliles.
11 sessions on CD with handouts.

Course No.: BWV02.

Choose Credit if you are enrolled in the Biblical Worldview University and you will receive credit towards your Providence Foundation degree.

**To Choose Credit or Audit Click on Available Options**

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