Transforming the Culture with the Blueprint of God’s Word – Credit – Online

God’s Word provides a blueprint for how to transform America and the nations. The Bible addresses all of life, from personal and family matters to economic and civil affairs. A Biblical overview of 21 areas of life is presented. Talks contain many historical examples of how Christianity has brought transformation to all spheres of life. …

Transforming Nations through Biblical Work

Christians Have Led the Advancement of Mankind in All Spheres of Life Author: Stephen McDowell Jesus’ Great Commission — “Go…and make disciples of all the nations…teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” — includes the evangelistic mandate, to redeem man, and the cultural mandate, to redeem the earth. We will fulfill this commission as …

Transforming the Culture with the Blueprint of God’s Word – Audit – Online

God’s Word provides a blueprint for how to transform America and the nations. The Bible addresses all of life, from personal and family matters to economic and civil affairs. A Biblical overview of 21 areas of life is presented. Talks contain many historical examples of how Christianity has brought transformation to all spheres of life. …

Transforming Medicine & Business with Biblical Principles

Examples of Joseph Lister & John Wanamaker Joseph Lister & John Wanamaker transformed medicine and business by applying Biblical principles in their divine occupations. Most Christians are not called to the pulpit ministry; rather most Christians are called to the marketplace. Kingdom businesses and our calling in the marketplace are a key part of our …

Principles for Transforming the Marketplace – Credit – Online

Jesus declared we are to occupy until He comes. This is primarily accomplished through our occupation or work. A Christian economy and business will flow from the heart of man outward. God not only gives men the character necessary to prosper and be free, but He also gives principles in the Bible necessary to build …

Principles for Transforming the Marketplace – Audit – Online

Jesus declared we are to occupy until He comes. This is primarily accomplished through our occupation or work. A Christian economy and business will flow from the heart of man outward. God not only gives men the character necessary to prosper and be free, but He also gives principles in the Bible necessary to build …

Christian Biography Set

A set of seven biographies of influential American Christians highlighting their Christian faith and their contribution to God’s purposes in history. by Stephen McDowell Save 28% off the price if each were bought separately (set price: $35 , instead of $48.65) Set includes: Abraham Lincoln’s Faith Transforming Medicine and Business with Biblical Principles, Examples of …