How to Get Involved

BY admin July 3, 2013

How to Get Involved

The Providence Foundation is a Christian educational organization whose mission is to train and network leaders to transform their culture for Christ, and to teach all citizens how to disciple nations. We have been working since our inception in 1983 to fulfill Christ’s commission to “make disciples of all nations.” Such nations will have transformed people, but also transformed institutions — family, church, and state. The Foundation has focused on training and networking leaders in a principled, Biblical education that has historically produced liberty, justice, prosperity, virtue, and knowledge in people and nations.

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Biblical World UniversityBiblical Worldview University

A worldwide church-based educational network using publications, regional seminars, live classes, online and distance learning, tours, and internship opportunities in Five Main Areas: General Worldview, Providential History, Family & Christian Education, The Marketplace, and The State. Learn more.

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Providence Foundation StoreProvidence Foundation Store

The Providence Foundation Store is a great source for cds, books, dvds, and downloads that assist in understanding your faith and its role in the culture of the United States. Learn what the Bible has to say about the Christian’s role in politics and the responsibility for leaders to influence the laws and norms of a country. Go to Store.

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The courses offered by the Providence Foundation Biblical Worldview University (BWU) are designed to equip leaders of education, business, and politics to transform their culture for Christ, and to train all citizens how to disciple nations.


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