America, a Christian Nation?

America, a Christian Nation?

Category: Books


Examining the Evidence of the Christian Foundation of America

Many people today claim that America is not now nor ever has been a Christian nation. Yet, the Founders of America spoke of her as a Christian nation many times. They recognized America, not as an ecclesiastical state where the church ruled nor one without sin, but as a nation founded on Biblical principles, where Biblical truth and law were the standard for public life, law, and societal institutions. This book exams the broad evidence of the Christian foundation of America; and also addresses the claim that America is now pluralistic and thus Christianity must be treated like all other beliefs, concluding, as did America’s Founders, that Christianity is the source of liberty, and if its principles are ignored, no freedom and permanent happiness are possible.
64 pages, paperback, B18

Author: Stephen McDowell


Examining the Evidence of the Christian Foundation of America

Many people today claim that America is not now nor ever has been a Christian nation. Yet, the Founders of America spoke of her as a Christian nation many times. They recognized America, not as an ecclesiastical state where the church ruled nor one without sin, but as a nation founded on Biblical principles, where Biblical truth and law were the standard for public life, law, and societal institutions. This book exams the broad evidence of the Christian foundation of America; and also addresses the claim that America is now pluralistic and thus Christianity must be treated like all other beliefs, concluding, as did America’s Founders, that Christianity is the source of liberty, and if its principles are ignored, no freedom and permanent happiness are possible.
64 pages, paperback, B18

Author: Stephen McDowell

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Weight .18 kg
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × .18 cm
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