Loving God with All our Minds

Loving God with All our Minds

Category: Books


Books and Films to Encourage, Inspire, and Equip in a Biblical Worldview

Christ gave us a commission to disciple the nations. To accomplish this we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength. To live as God desires we must have a passionate heart and soul for Him, willing to do anything He asks and to follow Him anywhere. But we must also love God with all our mind and strength. We must exert energy to develop a Biblical Worldview.

To disciple nations, we must understand what the Bible teaches regarding personal growth and discipleship, and we must introduce the lost to these things. In addition, we must grow in a Biblical worldview, especially in the knowledge of how the nations can align themselves with the precepts of Godly government.

This booklet contains lists of books that will help you develop a Biblical worldview. Book lists are given for all ages including: picture books for the youngest children, literature, history, and biographies for students; resource books for adults or older children on many aspects of Biblical worldview and providential history.

A list of movies is also presented, many with Biblical themes and principles, with most simply good, wholesome movies enjoyed by young and old.

These resources will implant Godly principles and character, teach good and great ideas, and inspire the student of any age to a life of learning and excellence.

Author: Stephen McDowell

Providential Perspective Series 8 – PP8


Books and Films to Encourage, Inspire, and Equip in a Biblical Worldview

Christ gave us a commission to disciple the nations. To accomplish this we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength. To live as God desires we must have a passionate heart and soul for Him, willing to do anything He asks and to follow Him anywhere. But we must also love God with all our mind and strength. We must exert energy to develop a Biblical Worldview.

To disciple nations, we must understand what the Bible teaches regarding personal growth and discipleship, and we must introduce the lost to these things. In addition, we must grow in a Biblical worldview, especially in the knowledge of how the nations can align themselves with the precepts of Godly government.

This booklet contains lists of books that will help you develop a Biblical worldview. Book lists are given for all ages including: picture books for the youngest children, literature, history, and biographies for students; resource books for adults or older children on many aspects of Biblical worldview and providential history.

A list of movies is also presented, many with Biblical themes and principles, with most simply good, wholesome movies enjoyed by young and old.

These resources will implant Godly principles and character, teach good and great ideas, and inspire the student of any age to a life of learning and excellence.

Author: Stephen McDowell

Providential Perspective Series 8 – PP8

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