No Cross, No Crown: The Life Message of William Penn

No Cross, No Crown: The Life Message of William Penn

Category: Books


In December, 1688, William Penn was thrown in jail for expressing his religious views. While imprisoned for over eight months he wrote the book, “No Cross, No Crown” in which he states that “Christ’s Cross is Christ’s way to Christ’s Crown.” Penn’s life is a great example of one who bore the cross and, therefore, did bear the crown. He brought the crown to millions more as well.

Christ, through His death and resurrection, has brought great blessings upon His people and upon the nations throughout history that have honored him. Jesus bore the cross that we might bear the crown! However, what was true for Him is true for us. Jesus taught that we are to take up our crosses and follow Him. If we do, we will find great life and help bring it to many others. This book presents what it means to take up your cross, and tells the story of how God used William Penn to bring great blessings to America – blessings which still affect the world today.
20 pages, paperpack
Author: Stephen McDowell


In December, 1688, William Penn was thrown in jail for expressing his religious views. While imprisoned for over eight months he wrote the book, “No Cross, No Crown” in which he states that “Christ’s Cross is Christ’s way to Christ’s Crown.” Penn’s life is a great example of one who bore the cross and, therefore, did bear the crown. He brought the crown to millions more as well.

Christ, through His death and resurrection, has brought great blessings upon His people and upon the nations throughout history that have honored him. Jesus bore the cross that we might bear the crown! However, what was true for Him is true for us. Jesus taught that we are to take up our crosses and follow Him. If we do, we will find great life and help bring it to many others. This book presents what it means to take up your cross, and tells the story of how God used William Penn to bring great blessings to America – blessings which still affect the world today.
20 pages, paperpack
Author: Stephen McDowell

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Weight .12 kg
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