The Bible: Divine or Human?

The Bible: Divine or Human?

Category: Books


Evidence of Biblical Infallibility and Support for Building Your Life and Nation on Biblical Truth

When we read the Bible we are confronted with a claim that requires a response: that is, that this book is the Word of God, the Word of the Almighty One who created and sustains all things. In the Bible God reveals and declares Who He is and how we are to live. We can reject the claim or believe it, but to ignore it is foolish. If it is what it claims to be, the Word of God, then our adherence to its requirements is essential for life, here on the earth and in the eternal hereafter.

Can we know that the claims of the Bible are true? Is there any evidence of its divinity and infallibility? The answer is a resounding YES! The implications of the Bible being the Word of the one and only God are immense.

The Bible: Divine or Human? presents a summary of various proofs for Biblical infallibility. It is an inspirational and easy to read, yet thoroughly supported, argument in favor of Biblical inerrancy with the goal of inspiring you to build your life upon the divine precepts in the Bible and also to seek to use them to transform men and nations.

Author: Stephen McDowell

Pages: 50


Evidence of Biblical Infallibility and Support for Building Your Life and Nation on Biblical Truth

When we read the Bible we are confronted with a claim that requires a response: that is, that this book is the Word of God, the Word of the Almighty One who created and sustains all things. In the Bible God reveals and declares Who He is and how we are to live. We can reject the claim or believe it, but to ignore it is foolish. If it is what it claims to be, the Word of God, then our adherence to its requirements is essential for life, here on the earth and in the eternal hereafter.

Can we know that the claims of the Bible are true? Is there any evidence of its divinity and infallibility? The answer is a resounding YES! The implications of the Bible being the Word of the one and only God are immense.

The Bible: Divine or Human? presents a summary of various proofs for Biblical infallibility. It is an inspirational and easy to read, yet thoroughly supported, argument in favor of Biblical inerrancy with the goal of inspiring you to build your life upon the divine precepts in the Bible and also to seek to use them to transform men and nations.

Author: Stephen McDowell

Pages: 50

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