The Economy from a Biblical Perspective

The Economy from a Biblical Perspective

Category: Books


A Christian economy will flow from the heart of man outward. The Bible speaks to all of life and gives principles for every good work (2 Tim 3:16-17). It has much to say about economics and business. To be able to assess our current economic situation and determine what policies would be best to put the nation on a path of prosperity, we must know what the Bible teaches about economics.

This booklet contains 10 Principles of Biblical Economics.

Author: Stephen McDowell

Providential Perspective Series – 2


A Christian economy will flow from the heart of man outward. The Bible speaks to all of life and gives principles for every good work (2 Tim 3:16-17). It has much to say about economics and business. To be able to assess our current economic situation and determine what policies would be best to put the nation on a path of prosperity, we must know what the Bible teaches about economics.

This booklet contains 10 Principles of Biblical Economics.

Author: Stephen McDowell

Providential Perspective Series – 2

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